Is Smart Floss eco-friendly?

Smart Floss® is one of the most eco-friendly, effective dental flosses available.

Container: Smart Floss® is now in plastic-free FSC certified paperboard packaging which can be easily recycled.

Wax: To ensure comfortable flossing and to keep the fibers performing effectively, we use a small amount of a vegetable and bees wax blend. To this we add our acclaimed cardamom oil aroma. We do not use petrochemical waxes or artificial flavors.

Floss material: Like many flosses, Smart Floss® is made of polyester fibers. Unlike other flosses, Smart Floss® is made in a proprietary, patented process which gives that softer, expanded effect while flossing. This makes it up to 55% more effective in removing plaque. Why don't we use a natural material, such as silk or cotton? We have opted not to use silk due to the heavy processing and the treatment of the silkworms. Plus it cannot be processed in the same way as Smart Floss® and thus would be less effective in removing plaque. At one time in the past, cotton was used as dental floss, but it is not used for floss anymore as it tends to fray or break easily or is harsher on gums and not as effective.

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